Guest Speaker
Apostle Les Bowling
Sunday, March 16
10:00 AM
Restoration Church International
2198 Blue Horizon Drive
Morgantown, WV 26501
On SUNDAY, March 16th, guest speaker Apostle Les Bowling will be joining us to speak at our Morgantown Location. We hope you can join us at the 10:00AM service or watch online!
About Apostle Les Bowling
Apostle Les Bowling is an international speaker, pastor and author called and commissioned by God as a father in the body of Christ. For nearly 40 years, he has dedicated himself to preaching the uncompromised truth of the gospel and equip leaders at all levels with cross-centered, biblical principles. Apostle Les is the president of Eagle Rock Ministries and the senior pastor of Eagle Rock Church, a vibrant, diverse, life-giving local church in Columbus, Ohio.
He is also the president and founder of The Gospel and The Preacher Bible School, and President and founder of Eagle Rock Covenant Network, which provides covering to cutting-edge churches and para-church ministries. His apostolic mandate includes raising up an entire generation of apostolic leaders who understand the times and serve as change agents, end-time reformers, and revivalists in the 21st century.
Schedule a visit on SUNDAY, March 16th and learn more about our Morgantown location and service times here.
Restoration Church International
2198 Blue Horizon Drive
Morgantown, WV 26501