SUNDAY 10:00am | WEDNESDAY 7:00pm

Men of Honor

Men of Honor

Men's Ministry

Can we all agree that there is a difference between being merely a male human and being a MAN?

Monthly Meeting

Second Saturday of each Month
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Restoration Church International
2198 Blue Horizon Drive
Morgantown, WV 26501

Upcoming Date(s):

  • Men of HonorApril 12, 2025
  • If you are longing for a ministry tailored to helping men be what God has called them to be, then Men of Honor is for you!

    Now meeting the second Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM in the RCI Youth Building. Hosted by Joe Perozich, our monthly men's meeting, "Men of Honor," is a casual meeting featuring the teaching of Godly principles and insight from God's Word as to what it means to be a real man in today's world.

    Come join us and share life experiences, learn from books we read together and have a light breakfast with coffee or tea!

    Meeting Location:

    Restoration Church International
    (Youth Building)
    2198 Blue Horizon Drive, Morgantown, WV 26501

    Book for Study

    The Chocolate Soldier

    Heroism: The Lost Chord of Christianity

    C.T. Studd

    The Chocolate Soldier

    Presentation Assignments

    • TBA

    Book Report Guide | Visit Online Bookstore

    Men of Honor is a ministry which focuses on restoring God's Honor to men. Join Men of Honor to build friendships and community with other Christian men seeking to be all that God has called them to be!
