About Membership
If you have been visiting with us for a while and would like to become part of our local church family and go deeper in serving, then membership is for you! The materials below help you get to know us better and learn what you need to know before taking the next steps.
Upcoming Date(s):
Step 1: Listen to the teachings
Click below to listen to "The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere. This series will help you idenify and deal with one of satan's deceptive tactics to cause division in the body of Christ.
Bait of Satan**To receive a password, please email**
Step 2: Complete the Membership Book
Click the button below to read through our Membership Book. Please be sure to complete all of the Worksheets & Surveys in Section 2 and the Membership Application at the end.
Membership BookStep 3: Schedule your meeting
Once we have received all of your membership materials, one of our pastors will reach out to meet with you to answer any questions you may have before becoming a member.